Discover the REAL RELATIONSHIPS that exist between the Residents and Staff at The Regency, even #BehindTheMask. It’s our genuinely caring and friendly Regency Senior Living team that makes all the difference.

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Staff Highlight Alert | Angelina Stone

This Regency veteran has been a member of our team for the last 26 years. Hard to imagine, The Regency without their Case Manager, Angelina Stone, since no one has been here without her. It was an easy transition for her to become The Regency’s Case Manager from their Wellness Director 15 years ago. “I love my residents. I try and care for them as I would my own grandparents.”, Angelina stated. “She has the biggest heart and she is my friend.”, Resident, Barbara Irvine wanted to share. “I don’t have any of my own granddaughters, but I feel as though Angelina could be one of mine. She always wants to help me, and I thank her for that”. Angelina never forgets about the residents or even her staff. She was instrumental in getting PPE supplies donated to The Regency from the BSTRONG organization. The supplies are being shared with The Regency and our house doctors. To PAY IT FORWARD one step more and to help ensure our staff members are safe when they leave The Regency, they will be receiving masks to bring home as well. Thank you, Angelina! You are truly our ANGEL.

#TheLoveIsReal #AngelonEarth #BStrong #KeepingEveryoneSafe #CaseManagerOfTheYear #WeAreAllInThisTogether #ThankYouForTheGoodies #AcknowledgeANeedProvideAService

Staff Highlight Alert | Chef Pat Marone

The Regency’s Chef Pat Marone has been cooking and making us laugh for the last 17 years. Chef Pat has been working three meals a day in order to make sure residents are happy. “Saturday night’s Pot Roast was a big hit, I even made some homemade Danish to brighten their day. I have to say the residents are so appreciative and thankful during this tough time. I guess they have seen so much in their lives.”, Pat shared. “We love Chef Pat and his staff. He is always trying to make us laugh and it works”. Resident Suzanne Caporicci stated. Thank you & love you, Pat!

#LaughingAndEatting #WeAreInThisTogether #ChefPatCannoliNextOnList #ChefPatRockingTheBlue

Staff Highlight Alert | John Monteleone

A big welcome to one of our newest Department Head who has joined our Regency team. Meet John Monteleone, our Maintenance Director; a gentle giant who is always smiling under his mask and ready to accomplish any task at hand. “The last four months flew by so fast. Getting to know all of the residents has been nothing short of wonderful.”, John stated. “After I was hired, I realized an old family friend also works here, Chef Pat Marone! Talk about a full-circle moment! Pat used to be the chef at my father’s restaurant back in the 1980s! I remember being about 5 years old and running around the kitchen at my dad’s restaurant. I can close my eyes and can see Pat cooking up a storm! Just like it was yesterday. Fast forward 40 years later and look at us…back together again! Pretty cool if you ask me!” John laughed. Now, John is a proud father of one, Jamie who is 13 years old. Spending time with Jaime is his number one priority. When John is off from work, he loves playing softball with his co-ed team. “We have been playing together for at least 15 years. I love it and can’t wait to get back outside and play again.”, John shared. John loves traveling and one of his favorite spots is New Orleans. “I think I have been there at least half a dozen times.”, John stated. Another place that he enjoyed was the island of Antiqua, but he has an eye on another spot that is not so warm. His dream vacation would be to go to Alaska as it is “peaceful and in the middle of nowhere!”. John enjoys cooking Italian food and watching his all-time favorite movie: The Gladiator with Russell Crowe. “John has been a great addition to The Regency family. He is beyond helpful and accommodating to all of the residents and staff.”, Beth Evans stated. Thank you, John!

#WeAllInThisTogether #JohnSoftballKing #JohnAndPatBackAtItAgain #MaintenanceGuru #SuperDad #NoProblemTooBigToFix

Staff Highlight Alert | Shanequa Marshall, LPN

Supermom-In-The-Making! We welcome Shanequa Marshall, LPN, as our new Wellness Director for almost two months now, however, she is no stranger to The Regency. In 2013, Shanequa worked at The Regency as an HHA in our Wellness Department for three years. “After working at The Regency, it pushed me to pursue my LPN degree. I knew healthcare was destined to be my life’s work”, Shanequa shared. “Coming back to The Regency was like coming home! It has been a full-circle moment for me! I spent some time in corporate assisted livings and it is just not the same. There is something very special about The Regency.”, Shanequa shared. The oldest of five siblings, Shanequa has the “take charge personality” and “a nurturing caregiver” all wrapped up in one. Shanequa loves to open cookbooks and try some unique recipes. One of her favorite foods is sushi- she stated she is “obsessed” with it and it is something she would love to try and make on her own. Shanequa and her fiancé, Emil are very busy house hunting as there are expecting their first baby this July. “My baby girl is due five days after my birthday on July 19th. You never know I might receive the biggest birthday gift if she arrives a few days early. “The residents are enjoying seeing the video of us finding out we are having a baby girl! Every single one of them has shared some wonderful and ever so needed first-time mommy advice!”, Shanequa shared. “Having Shanequa a part of our team again has been awesome! We missed her and are so very proud of her, too!”, Angelina Stone, our Case Manager shared. “I’m planning for a short maternity leave as working is my passion”, Shanequa shared. “I am looking forward for the restrictions to be lifted soon so families can be reunited with their loved ones! I can’t wait to meet of the families in person!”, Shanequa shared. Shanequa is the epitome of a “Super Mom-In-The-Making”: working full time, mom to be in July, house hunting and eventually pursuing her RN degree. It’s 2021 and who says you cannot have it all! Shanequa says that you can, and she will! Believe us, she will!

#TheStaffBehindTheMask #MaldivesIsHerDreamVacation #HHA-LPN-RN #CravingSpicyFood #SuperMom #FullCircleMoment #WelcomeBack

Staff Highlight Alert | Amy Eisenberg

??Some people might ask, “What does a Community Relations Liaison do?” Amy Eisenberg has been a part of our team for the last 6 months but is no stranger to The Regency since her parents lived here many years ago. Amy helps with connecting the community to The Regency. “Working here is a joy! I found the transition from working with the special need’s population to assisting residents and families at The Regency a seamless one. Once you have the altruism gene=it is easily transferred!”, Amy shared with us. Did you know Amy graduated from High School at the young age of 16 while playing the bassoon in high school and college and is a special education teacher? Advocacy was her passion and early in career she switched from being a teacher to working for a non-profit organization until she joined us at The Regency. “Being part of the Administrative Team, especially in this challenging time of COVID, makes every day even more special. I am grateful to be “essential” to continue to make a difference in people’s lives.” Beth Evans said, “I knew Amy would be able to ensure new families that this is the right move for their loved ones. She believes in The Regency and it shows.” Thank you, Amy.

#LadyInBlack #FacetimeGuru #LivingOnABeach #LivingHerBestLife #MetTheHubsInAElevator #FunLunch #WeAreAllInThisTogether #FunnyAndKind

Staff Highlight Alert | Alexis Nieves

For the last two years, Alexis Nieves has assisted in creating The Regency’s A Team as the Human Resources Coordinator. “I love meeting new people, giving them an opportunity to work with a great team and giving them a voice, too.”, Alexis shared. “I enjoy taking the time to introduce every new employee to everyone on The Regency team. It makes them feel on board right from Day One. Seeing and being with the residents is an additional bonus that I truly didn’t realize how it would impact me. Listening to their stories about when the resident was a part of the workforce warms my heart. It amazing how things have changed through the years.” Did you know that Alexis works full-time at The Regency while getting her bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and she also fits in boot camp 5 days a week? I’m exhausted just typing that. “Alexis is always there ready to listen and assist any employee.” Maria Silva, Dining Room Supervisor shared. Thank you, Alexis!

#Strong #TeamPlayer #StaffAndResidentFirst #StopByForASnack #LovesTheYankees #WeAreAllInThisTogether #FastTyper #ExcelQueen

Staff Highlight Alert | Kim Federman

Our next highlight features one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Kim Federman, our Business Office Manager has been on our team for the last 8 years. She walked into our lives only wanting to work part time. Well, that quickly changed when Hurricane Sandy blew through town. She hasn’t been part time since as we rely on Kim to help with the daily operations of our community. A leader and problem solver, Kim is always the first to help. “Kim is there for every staff member. She listens, guides them and wants to mentor each person that joins our team.” Alexis Nieves, Human Resources Coordinator stated. Not only is Kim there for staff, but she has loving relationships with residents, too. “I enjoy helping residents and talking about everyday life with them. A personal highlight has been reminiscing about one of my favorite activities; golf. When I see the residents, they light up and that makes my day! My admiration runs deep for the staff that have been working daily to help ensure everyone’s safety.” Kim shared. Kim’s beautiful daughter, Emmah, joined our team as a receptionist last summer and has her mom’s same zest for life. We are lucky to have two members of The Fabulous Federman Family working here. Thank you, Kim! We appreciate and love you!

#NumbersIsHerGame #FOREEEEE #WeAreAllInThisTogether #LittleOne #PayrollQueen #GreatAdviceGiver #HaveYouSeenHerWorkACalulator #TeamPlayer #SquishSquish #WhereAreMyOfficeSupplies #Meow #OurAmericanDoll

Staff Highlight Alert | Meredith “Merry” Lascala

Here comes the bride! Merry Lascala, our Recreation Director been planning a COVID recreation calendar while planning for her own wedding for Memorial Day weekend 2021. “My wedding dress appointment at Kleinfeld’s was canceled due to the virus but we are still busy planning as the big day will be here before you know it.”, Merry shared. “I was very nervous starting a new job especially during this not so normal time. My first day at work, I went to the residents to introduce myself. Their warm welcome and them sharing pictures of their family instantly erased any fear I had. It’s only been two months…but I love the family vibe with the residents and staff.”, Merry giggled. “I love my Recreation team they are so dependable and creative.” Merry described the beach as her happy place all year around. It is the perfect place to clear her mind. “Merry is wonderful. Very friendly and easy to talk, too. I can’t wait to see her without her mask on once this is all over.”, resident, Vivian Schacter laughed. Did you know that Merry loves to cook and bake? She always played soccer for 18 years! We cannot wait to learn more about Merry! Thank you and welcome aboard!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #GoingToTheChapel #GOALLL #HoneymoonInSwedenIrelandAndEngland #HereComesTheSun #TeamRecreation #ILoveSeniors #MichaelAndMerry #M&M #TheResidentsCanBeBridesmaids

Staff Highlight Alert | Oleg Borko & Larry Bernardo

Fixing, Painting, Plumbing, Oh My!
Next on our list is our dynamic duo in our Maintenance Department. We couldn’t possibly think about talking about one without the other. Oleg Borko, Maintenance Director, and Larry Bernardo, his Maintenance Assistant side-kick have been “maintaining” The Regency for the last 3 and 5 years respectfully. “I love to listen to the resident’s rich histories. They want to share their lives with us and that makes me happy.” Oleg exclaimed. Larry also added, “They are all like my friends and I enjoy talking to them all.” Thank you Oleg and Larry for everything!

#WheresMyHammer #DoubleTrouble #CanYouFixThisPlease #WeAreAllInThisTogether #BatmanAndRobin

Staff Highlight Alert | Alberto Montanez

There is a saying that we might have heard our parents repeat over and over again, “I walked through the rain and the snow to get to where I needed to go.” The Regency has come across one person that can say he rode his bicycle almost 100,000 miles to get to and from work! His name is Alberto Montanez and he has been our Overnight Porter since 2008. Alberto rides 16 miles each way to work and it does not matter what the weather is. “I love riding my bike. Even if someone were to offer me a brand-new car, I would decline. Riding my bike allows me to be present, stay fit and be free. My grandfather, Benjamin, instilled in me if you work hard, you will succeed in life. The first time I remember him saying that is when I was 6 years old. Working with the residents has been a highlight and I know my grandfather would be proud of me.”, Alberto stated. “It warms my heart when I see Alberto on his bike riding away from The Regency after a long overnight shift. He is very loyal and dependable to The Regency. We are lucky!”, Oleg Borko, our Maintenance Director shared. “I enjoy taking NY City Biking Tours however, my dream biking vacation would be to go to Utah! I hope I can inspire someone to get on two wheels and see the world.” Alberto laughed. One day Alberto! You’ll get there!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #BuildHisOwnBikes #AlwaysOnAnAdventure #ConstantJourney #BMX #Owns4Bikes #UtahOrBust #SnowDoesntStopHim #OneDeterminedBiker #TheHappiestWhenRiding #GrandpaBenjaminIsSmiling

Staff Highlight Alert | Ana Banos

Today was the perfect day to choose Ana Banos for The Regency’s Staff Highlight Alert since she is celebrating her 18th anniversary at The Regency. Congratulations to our Housekeeper who has proven everyday how dedicated she is to the residents and staff. Not only does Ana work here, but she recently celebrated her 17th anniversary at King Kullen, where she works in the floral and produce department. This mom of three adults shared, “I love to work, and I love to work with people. The residents make me so happy! During this COVID time, I miss being with my family and friends. I think about my country, El Salvador, and I pray for them as well. My son and family still live there.”, Ana shared. “Ana is very dependable and kind. The residents admire her. She works so fast and thorough. I enjoy having her on my team”, Oleg Borko, our Maintenance Director shared. This grandmother of two wants everyone to know she loves cooking in the kitchen. Making chicken is her specialty and her family and friends say they love it. “I have made many friends here throughout the years. We cook for each other and celebrate when something special is happening in someone’s life. We are lucky! We are like family!”, Ana stated. Thank you, Ana! Today, we celebrate you!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #AbuelaAna #AlwaysSmiling #Fabulosa #LovesToSingAndDance #WorksSevenDaysAWeek #SheIsTheEnergizerBunny

Staff Highlight Alert | Ana Brown

Move over HGTV television hit, “Fixer Upper” power couple, Joanna and Chip Gaines…our very our Wellness Cluster Assistant loves interior designing and will give them a run for their money! “I can walk into HomeGoods and see a pillow and then change around my entire living room on a whim. It is so much fun. Decorating your house inspires your mood. Your home should always reflect your personality and should be your happy place.”, Ana shared. Ana is also happy working at The Regency. Her admiration that she expresses for the residents is sincere and real. “I walk into their apartments and it’s like a window into their past. I enjoy assisting the residents daily!” Ana shared. Originally from Costa Rica, Ana is a mom of three “boys” (30, 29, & 24- not “boys” anymore) and enjoys watching her grandchildren who are 7 and 4 years old. “Ana loves working with the residents. You can see how she lights up when they ask for her.”, Angelina Stone, our Case Manager shared. Another fact about Ana is she loves to merengue and promised us some lessons. Watching church programs is the reason she feels centered and focused. Also, cooking is something she relishes doing weekly for her family. “My dream vacation is to go to Israel to see Jesus’ tomb! One day, I’ll get there!”, Ana shared. We hope you do to, Ana! Thank you for all that you do!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #InHonorOfMyParents #MerengueADanceOfLove #CurryChicken #FixerUpper #MissesCostaRica #LovesTheUSA

Staff Highlight Alert | Andres Santiago

He knows every doctor on the North Shore and drives in style with residents ready to go. Andres Santiago has been The Regency’s Medical Transportation Coordinator for the last 14 years. “I love my residents. I make sure they are sitting with me in the front passenger seat. My goal is to ensure that everyone has a good experience especially since I know how anxious they can be to go to the doctor. Talking about life and even taking the scenic route takes some pressure off them.”, Andres shared. “I trust Andres with my life. He is a gentleman and someone I feel very comfortable talking, too. I consider him a friend.”, resident, Claire Margolis shared. A self-proclaimed nerd and Medieval fanatic. He loves reading and playing Medieval games with Knights and Dragons. “I feel like the Mayor driving through Glen Cove. Everyone knows The Regency Car and I find myself waving and honking away. The residents laugh and get a kick out of it.”, Andres giggled. This dad of two young men loves barbecuing on the weekends. Spending time with his wonderful wife, Debi, and kids is what life is all about. So true Andres…so true! Thank you and we appreciate you!

#FavoriteMovieGoodfellas #LincolnNautilus #MissMyAppointmentSchedules #WeAreAllInThisTogether #RegencysLivingGPS #EveryDoctorKnowsAndres #YankeeFan #TheBiggestHeart

Staff Highlight Alert | Bayla Rampaul

If someone needs something, especially in the middle of the night, everyone knows to call, BAYLA! Bayla Rampaul has been a Wellness Supervisor for over 10 years and loves every minute of it. After working a night shift, Bayla’s husband of 38 years, Harry, is waiting at The Regency to open the car door to bring her home. “I only need three hours of sleep a day, I watch Matlock and I fall asleep and then I’m set for the day.” Bayla giggled. “When I met, Harry, it was love at first sight, we try and be good to each other. Even though I’m a vegetarian, I cook him a meat dinner every night.”, Bayla shared. “I tell young couples, it all about compromising”. “Bayla is one of the hardest workers I have evet met. Period.”, Jeanelle Miles, LPN supervisor stated. Bayla who was born in Trinidad, has 22 siblings and is a self-proclaimed “TV junkie”. “The residents complete me. I love them and I try my absolute best every day to bring them happiness, great care and laughter.” Bayla stated. Bayla, we can attest, you definitely do.

#AlwaysLaughing #EnergizerBunny #TheRegencyHolidayPartiesDancingQueen #WOW69YearsYoung #NightOwl #RegencyFixture #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Blanca Rivas

The Regency’s Housekeeper, Blanca Rivas had two things to celebrate this week. She commemorated her 61st birthday and her Regency Anniversary of being a part of our team for the last 18 years! Definitely worth a huge celebration! Blanca has been in the United States for the last 25 years and has worked every day since she moved from El Salvador. “I wanted a better life and I work for my family. I have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. I am very lucky!”, Blanca shared. Blanca also works in the produce department at Glen Cove’s King Kullen for 17 years. “My close friend Ana who works with me here, also works at King Kullen with me full-time, too! Blanca loves to cook tilapia and salmon for her family. “Blanca is dedicated to all of the residents. She is very loyal to The Regency and we appreciate everything that she does.”, Nalita Manriam, The Regency’s Lead Housekeeper shared. Every October, she looks forward to visiting El Salvador to spend quality time with her siblings and her family. “One thing that people might not know about me is that I love to salsa dance!”, Blanca giggled. “I also love watching Novella, a Spanish Soap Opera every day! It makes me laugh and cry. I get to escape your own life for a little bit!” Hopefully, we will get to see Blanca’s moves on the dance floor at our next Holiday Party.

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #AbuelaBlanca #TwoFullTimeJobs #Novella #SalsaQueen #LetsDance

Staff Highlight Alert | Carmen Garcia

Carmen Garcia has been a part of the Housekeeping staff for almost 4 years. Before joining The Regency team, Carmen worked at Photo Circuits of Glen Cove for 20 years where she was the Visual Inspector and examined motherboards for any deficiencies. It was a natural transition for Carmen to become a housekeeper as she has an eye for making sure everything is in its place. “I’m a people person and have always had a love for seniors. It warms my heart when they call the front desk looking for me after I had a few days off. They want to make sure I am well. Isn’t that special?”, Carmen stated. This mom of 4 and grandmother of 6 is proud is a believer that your home should always have opened doors for your family to return. “My house is full of love with 8 people living here. After being married for 42 years, we should have an empty nest, but we don’t and that’s perfect, too.”, Carmen laughs. “Carmen is a hard worker, loyal and dedicated. She’s is so funny, too! Carmen has us all laughing all day long.” Oleg Borko, Maintenance Director stated. Born in Puerto Rico, she visits home quite often to visit her mom, who also loves to clean. Some of you might recall, her daughter Gia worked as receptionist at The Regency for 4 years. Gia sends her love! Thank you, Carmen!

#AppleDoesntFallFromTheTree #TellGiaHello #Perfectionist #WeAreAllInThisTogether #FamilyIsEverything #HappiestAtHome

Staff Highlight Alert | Carole Kelly

Giving back is something Carole Kelly was meant to do as she has volunteered her entire life. Our Regency Monday receptionist has been greeting residents, staff, and visitors ever since 2009. A sparkle in her big blue eyes with an inquisitive personality, this grandmother of 4 (and one on the way) loves to bake, babysit and be active! “I was a school principal for last 7 years of my career; I knew when I retired that I would continue to volunteer. Being with people is who I am”, Carole shared. Carole was inspired to be a hard worker by her mother, Filomena, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday. Filomena sewed beadwork on all the Rockettes costumes. “I worked with kids my entire career and working with seniors has proven to me I want to age gracefully just like they have. Two things that I am passionate about is being a docent at Planting Field Arboretum and a lector at St. Boniface Church. Giving back to the community is what completes me.”, Carole shared. “You can tell that Carole loves her job. She genuinely talks to the residents as though they are family. It is very special to watch. Also, I love seeing her husband, Jim of 52 years deliver Carole’s breakfast to her every Monday. Now, that is love!”, Kim Federman, Office Business Manager stated. Thank you, Carole!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #BabyBlueEyes #DotingHusband #VolunteerOfTheYear #SweetAndTreats #GrandmaCarole #AlwaysBusy #RetiredWhatDoesThatEvenMean

Staff Highlight Alert | Diana Aquirre

You will always see this team member bouncing around our community with the biggest smile! Our Wellness Assistant, Diana Aquirre loves to help people, “It makes my heart so full”. Diana moved to the United States from El Salvador 7 years ago because she wanted to start a new life in our great country and to be able to experience New York’s seasons. “I love the winter. The snow makes me happy, too!”. We don’t know how many people can really say that, however, the one thing we do know is how adorable her 2-year-old daughter, Evie is. “She has completed my life and the residents are excited when I show them pictures of her. We love to dance and sing. I share videos with them as they enjoy it so much.”, Diana shared. “Its hard not to smile when Diana walks in the room. I’m thrilled to have her on my team.”, Jeanelle Miles, LPN Wellness Supervisor shared. Diana stated, “We our house searching for our first home that way my husband of 4 years Ever, Evie and myself can make new roots, here in New York”. Thank You, Diana! Keep enjoying life because it shows!

#SleepingBeauty #GymFanatic #SnowBunny #WeAllInThisTogether #AllGiggles #TeamWellness #NewYorkStateOfMind #AlwaysSmiling

Staff Highlight Alert | Doris and Melva Alvarado

“A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves — a special kind of double.”- Toni Morrison

The Regency has always prided itself in having a community that residents and staff can call HOME. Through the years, we have had many siblings and family members working together at the same time at The Regency. Our two featured sisters from our housekeeping department are Doris and Melva Alvarado. Two years ago, The Alvarado sisters came to the United States from El Salvador making Glen Cove their home. “I love America and I’m very happy that I found The Regency. The residents and staff are wonderful.”, Doris the eldest of the sisters shared. “Being with the residents is like being with family from my country. I learn every day and they help me when they can. We are both lucky!”, Melva shared. “Working together is a gift. I worked with my sister, Erica for 17 years at The Regency, so I know how they feel!”, Stella Shank, Director of Special Projects shared. Doris and Melva spend time together on the weekends relaxing and playing with Doris’ 3-year-old son Christopher! Life is good. Thanks Ladies!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #SisterlyLove # AlwaysHappy

Staff Highlight Alert | Eddie Sanchez

She is little and mighty however, our waitress, Eddie Sanchez is one of the sweetest staff members at The Regency. Leaving Panama 32 years ago, Eddie continues to visit every two years religiously. “I miss my family.” Would you believe Eddie is a mom of a 32, 30 and 28-year-old kids nevertheless a grandmother of Baby Sophia who is almost one years old? “I love the residents. It’s so easy to make them happy.”, Eddie shared. “I also love watching scary movies…alone…in the dark, too! Sometimes, I get so scared, I do not want to get up to go to bed but I love it!”, Eddie giggled. “Eddie and I have been through thick and thin together…a few hurricanes and blizzards and now a pandemic. We are partners in crime and it’s very easy to be with friends with Eddie. She’s a hard worker, too!”, Maria Silva, our Dining Room supervisor shared. “I enjoy working at The Regency. We work hard to make the residents happy while still having fun. The dining room staff loves making Regency Tik Tok videos. I think Chef Pat is planning one with the residents as well”, Eddie said. Thank you, Eddie. We adore you!

#GoodThingsComeInSmallPackages #WeAllInThisTogether #TikTok #AbeulaEddie #QuietAndFunny #14YearsAndGrowingStrong #ServerWithHeart

Staff Highlight Alert | Elizabeth Corpuz

Some residents call her “The Regency Disney Princess” as she sings through the hallways of our community. Elizabeth Corpuz, our Recreation Assistant, loves to sing and one of her favorite songs is the hit from the movie FROZEN, “Let It Go”. Elizabeth comes from a family of singers and she finally decided to take the plunge and see if she also had the god given talent that the rest of the Corpuz clan has. Sure enough, Elizabeth can sing, and she can sing beautifully to top it off. “She is my medicine when I see her. My heart explodes with happiness when I hear Elizabeth sing.”, resident, Regency Richard Watford shared. “I can’t wait to take the residents fishing at Captree Park in Babylon, one of my favorite things to do in the summer”, Elizabeth shared. “She rocks the house when Elizabeth performs at our Sing-A-Longs and other activities. She is a light that everyone gravitates towards.”, Robin Lombardo, Safe Harbor Director stated. Thank you, Elizabeth and keeping singing away! We love it!

#GoFish #ILoveMyPitbullNina #RegencysGotTalent #EveryoneLovesDisneySongs #WeAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Eneta Deleon

At 73 years old, there is no sight for retirement for our 9-year veteran and Wellness Cluster Assistant, Eneta Deleon. “Retire? I am not ready to retire. I love working with my residents and they are the ones that keep me young.”, Eneta giggled. “Sitting at home is not what I want to do. I am a true believer in being happy feeds my body and mind. That is what helps keep me young. I do not feel 73 at all! I tell my kids that I enjoy working at The Regency. The residents are wonderful, and the staff makes you feel a part of a family.”, Eneta shared. “Eneta loves the residents. I’ve seen her create some beautiful relationships with them even referring some of them as Mom.”, Angelina Stone, our Case Manager stated. Ten years ago, Eneta moved from Jamaica and now is a proud United States citizen for the last 9 years! Eneta, a grandmother of 13 and 6 great grandchildren loves to cook Jamaican favorite dishes like Curry Goat and Oxtail. “I’m looking forward to traveling to England to visit one of my daughters.” Enjoy your well-deserved vacation, Eneta! Thank you!

#GreatGrandmothersRock #LoveToWatchTheNews#WeAreAllInThisTogether #WorkHard #LiveLoveLaugh #RegencyTeam #LoveMySoapOperas #YoungAndRestless #BoldAndBeautiful

Staff Highlight Alert | Hernan Wadsworth

Finding love happens in the places you least expect. Hernan Wadsworth, our waiter for the last 15 years, met the love of his life, Lena at The Regency. “We were friends at first and who would think we are now married for 11 years.”, Hernan laughed. In 1982, he moved to the United States from Peru and the one thing Hernan knew he never wanted to lose was his love for Peruvian music. Hernan plays the guitar, the charango (a small Peruvian guitar) and the Kena (a Peruvian flute) and loves being at home making music. “Working at The Regency has completed my life especially since I met my wife here too. The residents love hearing my story, but I enjoy learning about them more.”, Hernan shared. This dad of three (WOW, he has a 42, 40 and 31-year-old daughters) and grandfather of two pre-teens loves cooking Lomo Saltado, a Peruvian dish with meat, fries, and cilantro. “My co-workers make me laugh every day. We all decided we will work hard and get through this time together. We must for the residents!”, Hernan stated. Thank you, Hernan for everything!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #MusicSoothesTheSoul # MachuPicchu #LoveStory #AlmostA40YearOldGuitar #OurHolidayPartySalsaDancer #GirlDad

Staff Highlight Alert | Ilana Konel

Ilana Konel, our Recreation Assistant has been a part of The Regency team for almost four years. “The Residents have been so incredible and patient. It puts a smile on my face seeing how excited everyone gets when they see us with our RECREATION ON WHEELS Cart through the hallways. BINGO and Exercise Class are still their favorites, but I know they are missing our Poker and Blackjack games, too”, Ilana stated with a chuckle. Thanks Ilana.

#BINGONoMatterWhat #WeAreInThisTogether #WeLoveToGamble

Staff Highlight Alert | Irene Dattolo

We can only hope as a business, that we can mentor staff and encourage them to learn as much as they can about customer service, the healthcare industry and more importantly about themselves. Irene Dattolo, an HHA with our Wellness team has only been with us for 5 months but knows that she is destined to be in the healthcare field. We are so proud of her as Irene is now pursuing her Radiology Degree. This mommy of 17-month-old daughter, Azzurra (means blue in Italian and Irene’s favorite color) enjoys taking her on “baby adventures” to Morgan Park. “I know how important it is to be a loving caregiver. My grandfather lives in Italy and has a companion living with him. We must trust her with the most important person in our lives. I want to be that person for someone here in his honor!”, Irene shared. “No problems, just solutions. That’s my motto and something I will teach Azzurra!”. Since her family owns a farm upstate, Irene spends a lot of time riding quads and horseback riding. “It’s who I am!”, Irene giggled. “Irene always tries and makes a resident feel special and important”, Jeanelle Miles, LPN Wellness Supervisor shared. Guess what Irene? You are very special to us! Thank you!

#WeAreInThisTogether #DisneyOnBucketList #CookingIsHerForte #BabyBlue #TheLoveIsReal #BeingHappyIsTheOnlyWay #Xrays #ThisIsForYouNonno

Staff Highlight Alert | Isabel Ramierz, C.T.R.S.

Isabel Ramirez is new to our team and also very new to New York as well. Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, Isabel took the big leap of faith and moved to New York after spending time in the military. After having an epiphany that she needed to do more with her life and finding a NAVY recruitment flier taped to her front door, Isabel enlisted. After boot camp, she was stationed on the USS Lincoln in Virginia where she was a part of a Culinary and Baking team that cooked for 3000 soldiers everyday- 3 meals a day! After 3 ½ years, Isabel “got out early” to pursue a higher education. “I had an instant love for veterans…senior veterans. I decided to move to New York and pursue a Recreation Degree which was the best thing for me. I’m very proud of myself especially since last week, I became a Certified Therapeutic Recreational Specialist (C.T.R.S).” Isabel gleamed. “She’s a natural: sweet, kind, and outgoing! The residents love her.” Merry Lascala, Recreation Director stated. “New York is slowly growing on me. Being at The Regency was my destiny and I can’t wait to see what life has instore for me.” Thank you for serving our country, Isabel! We feel honored and we salute you!

#NavyStrong #CTRS #TexasToNY #USA #WhatAreYouBakingNow #YesMa’am #GirlPower #ARealSolider

Staff Highlight Alert | Jennifer Canales

How does she do it! Working full time, going to college full time, being a mom of a 2-year-old boy which we all know is OVERTIME and she never stops smiling? Jennifer Canales, one of our waitresses is always happy and ready to serve! “Residents are interested in my life and they are always asking about my son and my high school sweetheart, husband, too. I can only hope that they know I am interested in them as well! I just recently graduated from SUNY Old Westbury with Business Administration degree. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support of my parents. It’s hard trying to be everyone’s everything, but I did it!”, Jennifer shared. “I’m hoping when all of this is over, we can take Matteo to Walt Disney World. That would be the perfect celebration for all of us!”, Jennifer laughed. “She’s a great asset and I love having her on my team with her cousins, Edis and Suyapa. The residents light up when they see Jennifer, too!”, Chef Pat Marone shared. Thank you, Jennifer! We are very proud of you!

#TheHappiestPlaceOnEarth #DISNEY #WeAreAllInThisTogether #Superwoman #AllSmiles #SUNYOldWestbury #ShesGotThis #ItsACousinThing

Staff Highlight Alert | Julio Regalado

They do say the way to man’s heart is through his stomach. Julio agrees his food makes him happy. This month Julio Regalado, The Regency’s First Cook, has been working here for 15 years while cooking at The Glen Cove Mansion for the last 19 years. “I love cooking even when I’m home. My 13-year-old son, Jonathan, loves to cook with me, too. My favorite dishes that I enjoy whipping up for the residents is pot roast and shrimp scampi.”, Julio shared. “Since COVID-19 began, I have liked seeing the residents in their apartments and I get to see their family photos”. At 14 years old, he moved to the United States from El Salvador and was trying to finding his way. “There was a point in my life that I was in a dark and scary place, but becoming a chef with the help of God, I was able to change my life. Working at The Regency in a positive environment has been nothing but wonderful.”, Julio shared. “If you love Julio’s daily entrees just watch out for his special events like our holidays parties. He does an awesome job!”, Chef Pat Marone stated. Thank you, Julio and keep on cooking!

#WeAreAllinThisTogether #SousChef #FirstCook #AChefAndHisKnife #LookingForwardToAVacay #WhipIt

Staff Highlight Alert | Kennisha Jones

Kennisha Jones, our Wellness HHA, has been working full speed ahead for the last year. “I love how residents light up when I walk in their apartments. I love them all.” Kennisha shared. This mom of the two, loves looking at the resident’s pictures of them back when they were young moms and dads. “It’s so beautiful and heartwarming,” Kennisha stated. Thank you, Kennisha!

#AnAppleADay #WellnessFirst #CaringIsLoving #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Lauren Katz

Ultimately, seeing her mom getting older was the reason she got into the field of geriatrics. After leaving Estee Lauder, she knew she wanted something more fulfilling in her life. “Being here with the residents has been a highlight for me. They are so appreciative of everyone at The Regency.”, Lauren shared. This mom of 3 adults and now one beautiful granddaughter, Alice, who is 2 years old loves to keep herself active. When Lauren is not working at The Regency, you will find her in her kitchen cooking her two favorite dishes: Lasagna and Pot Roast. The perfect end of the day is watching a horror movie…yes, a scary movie is what she loves the best! “Laying on a hammock and listening to doo-wop music is something that I look forward to doing every summer. I enjoy the beach, too. It’s the perfect place to clear my mind and press my restart button. The beach is somewhere where I visit all year round.” Lauren stated. “Lauren is a team player and has the sweetest personality. All the residents cherish her and so do I.”, Jeanelle Miles, our LPN Wellness Supervisor shared. Thanks, Lauren!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #EarthWindFire #DooWop #WaitingForFootballSeason #TahitiDreamVacay #DramaFreeZone #ThisIsForYouMom

Staff Highlight Alert | Magdalena Ortega

Our housekeeper, Magdalena Ortega has a signature style like no other. You will find her sporting a headband when she is working! “I love my headbands. I have been wearing them since I’m 16 years old. Now, at 67 I can say they are a part of me!”, Magdalena shared. “I love working with the residents at The Regency. I also have another job cleaning private apartments at The Avalon, which is in Glen Cove. It is different here as I know all the residents and they are like family to me.” In 2021, Magdalena will be living in the United States for 30 years. Never leaving her Mexican culture behind, Magdalena loves to cook and DANCE! “Magdalena is always smiling and very dedicated to the residents at The Regency.”, Nalita Maniam, our Lead Housekeeper shared. When Magdalena is not working, she loves watching romance movies and police chase flicks. Her favorite movie is Bridges of Madison County. “I’m looking forward to taking a trip to Florida solo when COVID is over with.”, Magdalena giggled. We can’t wait for COVID to be over with, too!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #SalsaQueen #Works7DaysAWeek #MrsClean #LoveMyFamilyAndFriends #AWellDeservedVacationIsNeeded #WeLoveTheHeadbandsToo #Wow67!

Staff Highlight Alert | Maria Silva

“Maria, I just met a girl named…Maria”. Just about every resident sing or hums this classic whenever they see our very own Dining Room Supervisor of 15 years, Maria Silva! “She is my right-hand person, my side kick, my friend and I know I wouldn’t be able to do this without her. Rain or snow or hurricane and now even a pandemic, nothing keeps her away. Maria drives 45 minutes on a good day to get here all the way from exit 62 on the Long Island Expressway.” Chef Pat Marone shared. “I love my job, my amazing staff and especially my beautiful residents. I adore them all and I hope they know it.” Maria shared. Maria came to the United States from Portugal not knowing a single word of English. She quickly learned and eventually started working for Ralph Lauren at his Hampton’s home. “I was and am living the American dream.” Married to her loving husband, Miguel, for 21 years and raising her wonderful son, Paulo has brought her so much happiness. “My son practically grew up at The Regency. He started volunteering here when he was in high school. They loved him so much, he eventually became a part of the staff. We were co-workers and how many moms can say that? Now, he is studying for bar exam.” Maria stated. Thank you, Maria! We love you!

#WestSideStory #MomAndSon #HappyAndLaughingAllTheTime #WeAllInThisTogether #AmericanDream #BigHeart #KindAndThoughtful #TeamDiningRoom

Staff Highlight Alert | Marie Bernard

Marie Bernard looks like she is roller skating throughout the community laughing all the way as she cares for the residents. Our Wellness Cluster Assistant, Marie works fast while still ensuring that all our residents receive the upmost care. This mom of 4 comes from a big family that all still reside in Haiti. She is one of 14 siblings. “I have over 50 nieces and nephews and I actually stopped counting at 50. When I go to Haiti to visit, I feel like a queen as they all look up to me for living the American dream.”, Marie shared. After having one of her daughters, who was a preemie, only weighting two pounds, she started volunteering at the hospital where she was born. “I wanted to give back.”, Marie shared and 19 years later, she is still giving back. Marie has been faithfully volunteering at the same hospital as a Baby Cuddler holding babies in the NICU. “When I am not volunteering or at home with my kids, I’m here at The Regency caring for my residents. They are like family to me and I feel they would say the same about me.”, Marie stated. “She has a heart of gold and it shows every day!”, Angelina Stone, our Case Manager shared. Thank you, Marie! You have inspired us… we want to become Baby Cuddlers, too!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #HappyAllTheTime #AlwaysWillingToHelp #SheMissesHerFancyNails #Don’tWeAll #LoveTheNewHairCut

Staff Highlight Alert | Mika Pierre

Hands down, one of the happiest people we have every met is our wonderful and always smiling Wellness Department’s HHA, Mika Pierre. Mika prides herself in always being happy. “There is no reason for me to be sad. I can only hope when I smile it brings happiness to other people including the residents. I have been like this my entire life.”, Mika shared. Twenty years ago, this July 4th, Mika moved from Haiti to start a new life. As she had a vision of promise and hope by coming to the United States, Mika took a gamble as this was only something she dreamt of. Now as an American citizen, Mika continues to honor her Haitian heritage by cooking specialty dishes and singing gospel songs in her native language of French. Mika, who has been part of our team for three years, enjoys working the overnight shift with our beautiful residents. “After an overnight shift, you will find Mika smiling and greeting everyone as though she has just started her day. She is simply a joy to be around!.”, Alexis Nieves, our Human Resource Coordinator shared. “Most people might not know that I am funny with a great sense of humor. Another funny fact about me is I love watching my guilty pleasure show, Keeping Up with The Kardashians.”, Mika giggled. Mika, you got us there! Thank you for all that you do!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #HappyGoLucky #24/7 #CantSmileWithoutYou #ShesSmilingUnderTheMaskToo #KeepingUpWithTheKadashians #LetsGetHerACameoOnTheShow #BringingSunshineDuringTheNight

Staff Highlight Alert | Millie Campbell

Who has been to Mackinac Island in Michigan? Never heard of it, right? Well, our Millie Campbell, a Wellness Cluster Assistant spent a year in this hidden gem when she worked with The Hotel Program in Jamaica. Before coming to the United States permanently in 2011, Millie worked in the food service field in various hotels across the country. Millie would spend 6 months at each assigned hotel then return to Jamaica until she finally decided to call New Jersey, her home. She knew almost immediately caring for the elderly would be her passion after taking an introduction class to become a Certified Home Health aide. “This is what I needed to do. It was my calling! I love my residents. Showing them compassion and giving them encouragement is what I do every single day!”, Millie shared. “Millie is a treasure to work with. For the last 7 years, Millie commutes from New Jersey because she feels a connection to everyone here.”, Angelina Stone, our Case Manager shared. Millie, who recently became a grandmother of Nevaeh- Heaven spelled backwards- enjoys singing gospels to her. “I don’t have the best voice but my little one and God doesn’t judge!”, Millie laughed. Keep singing, Millie! Thank you!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #CheckOutMackinacIsland #RelaxAndMediateWhenHome #VisitJamaicaYearlyForMom #GodAnswerPrayGospel

Staff Highlight Alert | Mark DeCurtis

??This former School Maintenance Assistant and avid recipe collector was inspired by the women in his life to go to culinary school to pursue his dreams. Mark DeCurtis has been The Regency’s Cook for 6 years and loves to make his own perogies. When Mark is not working, he is perfecting his other craft of making music. “I’ve been influenced by the great legends, Elvis and Chuck Berry! I love singing and playing the guitar with my band-we have been together for 12 years.”, Mark shared. The kitchen staff can all agree that Mark knows all the residents and what their favorite dishes are or how they love their eggs. “I love talking to the residents. I felt an instant connection to veteran residents like Lenny as I grew up in a military home.”, Mark stated. “Mark is dependable and would give his shirt off his back to anyone.”, Chef Pat shared. Mark who does not look older than 25 will be turning 50 this August-He is a dad of a 22 & 13-year old girls. “I love working at The Regency and I have a deep respect for Chef Pat. He treats us all the same and you can’t ask for anything more.”, Mark shared. Thank you, Mark!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #AFishermanToo #MyFavoriteBlueSuedeShoes #MissingTheYankees #HisSisterIsHisHeartAndSoul #FormerIceHockeyPlayer #BBQSmokePitGuru #GrewUpLovingTheOldies #RenaissanceMan #HasKnownAngelinaHerWholeLife

Staff Highlight Alert | Miguel Cueva Rodriguez

Miguel is someone that loves excursions and enjoys traveling through the world. Miguel Cueva Rodriguez has been our porter for almost 2 years but has spent a lifetime going on adventures. “Twenty years ago, I moved to the United States from Ecuador, but I knew I wanted to see more in this world.”, Miguel shared. “Some of the places that I visited is Peru, Spain, Portugal and my dream vacation that I’m saving up for is Israel. I’ll get there soon!”, Miguel laughed. “My sons are 21, 16 and 14 years old and I’m teaching them if you want to see something, go for it!”. Miguel said he loves working at The Regency and the residents are very nice to him. He appreciates everyone here and enjoys working with his co-workers. “When I am home, I still enjoy cleaning the house and working on projects. I love cooking especially chicken wings and blue cheese dressing. A family favorite!”, Miguel shared. “Miguel is such a hard worker. He takes pride in his work and wants to make sure everyone is happy!”, Oleg Borko, our Maintenance Director shared. “Even though the residents are not doing their normal routines, I can see they are so happy and thankful!”, Miguel shared. Thank you, Miguel! Get your passport ready for your next voyage!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #WorldTraveler #BringUsBackAMagnet #TheWorldIsHisOyster #WhereIsYourFavoriteDestination #MyThreeSons

Staff Highlight Alert | Nalita Maniram

Who LOVES to clean at WORK and at HOME? Nailta Maniram, Lead Housekeeper at The Regency for 3 years. Nalita with her infectious smile lights up any room. “She is always happy, running around and making everyone smile.” Kim Federman, Office Business Manager stated. Nalita, who moved here from Guyana in 2017, has been working at The Regency a couple of months after she was sponsored by her children to come to the United States. Nailta has been full speed ahead ever since. She even modeled in her first Fashion Show at The Regency, where she wore her handmade Sari that she sewed. “I love my life in the USA and I love my staff is so hardworking, just like me”, Nalita stated. “I love the residents and I would like to think 99% of the residents love me back”. Nalita, we guarantee you all 100% love you and that includes staff, too!

#LoveMakesTheWorldGoRound #HappyAllDayEveryDay #NonStopEnergy #USA #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Patricia Latchman

“Becoming an American Citizen is something I wanted for a very long time. Last January, my dream finally came true.”, Patricia Latchman, our Wellness Cluster Assistant shared. “Almost 10 years ago, I moved from Jamaica to be closer to my family and it was the best decision of my life.” A former volleyball player and track and field star, she still runs to keep fit with her 26-year-old daughter. “Taking care of my beautiful residents at The Regency is what keeps my mind, body and soul in shape as well.”, Patricia shared. “Don’t laugh but I love watching the TV show, Madlock. He never stops going especially when he is faced with a problem. He always solves it in the end. That is how I lead my life, too! God only gives you what you can handle.”, Patricia shared. “Patricia works very hard every single day. She is always ready to lend a hand with a smile and a sense of style. She floats on air with her beauty, too!”, Beth Evans, Administrator shared. “I’m very lucky. My children are well. I am happy! Life is good and I try never to forget that!”, Patricia giggled. Thank you, Patricia!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #LoveMartinLawrenceToo #EmbroideryQueen #SheRanAHardwareStoreInJamaica #ProudToBeAnAmerican #DreamTripToEngland #ToMeetTheQueenOfEngland #LoyalFriend #MadeLifeLongFriendsAtRegency #Lucky

Staff Highlight Alert | Regina Johnson

Everyone knows this person…how can you miss her smiling face and kindest soul at the reception desk every morning. We want to thank the woman that knows everyone’s names, their rooms numbers and even their favorite meals, too! It’s Regina Johnson, our Lead Receptionist for almost 3 years. “I love my job and most of all I love my residents.”, Regina stated. “I miss seeing them since our routines have changed here and I’m looking to the day the lobby is busy with my sweet loves”. Regina is looking forward to another big day in her life…when her oldest son, Danny, gets married next year. We are so excited for her! Thank you, Regina! We all love you!

#GoodMorningSunshine #YouNeedSomethingCallRegina #BigHeart #MotherOfTheGroom #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Rita Marquez

“Its time to make the DOUGHNUTS…is something that this mom of two says at 4 o’clock every morning!” Our waitress, Rita Marquez, works at Landing Bakery in Glen Cove baking bread, cakes and of course doughnuts! Rita has been our dinner waitress for the last 13 years. “Seeing the residents at dinner has always been fun for me as we get to talk about what they did earlier that day.”, Rita shared. “Rita is such a hard worker. She works in the morning at the bakery and then works with us during the dinner service. The residents adore her and so do her co-workers.”, Maria Silva, our Dining Room Hostess shared. “My sons and I watch movies like the “Avengers” while eating popcorn after my shift at The Regency. Watching movies with them also opens their eyes to places that want to visit. Something on our list is Canada! I love working with the residents and especially my co-workers and Chef Pat. We laugh every day and bring joy to the residents too.”, Rita shared. Moving to the United States from Peru, Rita became a United States Citizen not even a year ago. This single mom loves to clean and decorate as she claims cooking is not her favorite thing to do. “My boys love when I cook Peruvian Chinese Food also knows as Arroz Chufsa: brown rice, eggs, chicken and soy sauce. That they love!”, Rita shared. We love you, Rita!

#WeAreAllinThisTogether #SheGivesHerselfAwesomeFrenchManicures #ABakersDozen #OCanada #SingleMomsRock #GoUSA!

Staff Highlight Alert | Robin Lombardo

Robin Lombardo, our Safe Harbor Memory Care Director has jumped right in since the opening our community earlier this year. As a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, College Educator and Certified Dementia Practitioner, Robin enjoys sharing experiences where best practices and culture change can flourish. “We are family here at The Regency. You will never hear “It’s not my job”. The love for the residents is very palpable and I feel honored to be a part of this culture. The residents know my passion is real.” Robin stated. “I have certainly had my share of roles in the eldercare profession, such as teaching, mentoring, and supervising, but at the end of the day, it is always about learning how to help our seniors feel empowered and fulfilled. This position helps me realize this every day.” Some cool facts about Robin: Did you know she is professional singer since she was a young girl? Besides singing, she loves playing the guitar and keyboard, too. This DISNEY fanatic, who by the way drives a bright green car, is a “half full” kind of a person. “You can hear laughing down the hallway. Always willing to help and naturally has an optimistic attitude which residents gravitate towards.”, Stella Shank, Director of Special Projects shared. Thanks a million!

#M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E #CTRS #SingASong #GreenMachine #FunnyAndBubbly #HerEyesSmile #BiggestHeart #HappiestPlaceOnEarth #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Staff Highlight Alert | Yolanda Jones

Yolanda Jones, our Wellness HHA for almost 1 year is new to our team. She also has another new role as a wife. Yolanda met her husband Kenneth on Facebook. “Who would have thought I met the man of my dreams on Facebook but I did!”, Yolanda giggled. The two honeymooned in Mexico and blended their families to equal 3 kids and 3 grandchildren. “It’s beautiful that we were able to find love again later in life. I am VERY blessed!”. Yolanda shared. There is someone else just as special in Yolanda’s life. “My mom is the one that instilled in me always respect your elders. She was a force of nature and loved people. I would like to think I took after her as well.” Yolanda shared. “Yolanda is a hard-working member of my team. Always ready to jump in and assist our residents with love and compassion.”, Jeanelle Miles, our LPN Supervisor shared. Sadly, Yolanda lost her mom last month. “Every day I wake up with a purpose and now more than ever I live my fullest and happiest life in honor of my mom.” Your mom would be proud of you…we know we are. Thank you, Yolanda!

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #FoundMySoulmateOnFB #PlanningOurNextCruiseVacation #MomAlwaysSaidBeautifulInsideAndOut #LoveMyMotownMusic #MamaThisOneIsForYou

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